Schedule a same-day or next-day virtual appointment for urgent concerns here. Please enter information and vitals in the scheduling page to ensure our providers are able to quickly triage and address patient concerns.
Crown Health's float providers are available for visits in the community for urgent needs between routine PCP visits. Please call or fax our office with information regarding the patient's symptoms to initiate the scheduling process.
Crown Health also has an on-call provider after-hours and on weekends for urgent needs for Crown Health patients. Call our office at (888) 674 5871 to be connected to the on-call provider.
If it’s a life-threatening emergency or may change the patient’s life within 2 hours, call 911.
If the condition will NOT change patient’s life within 2-3 hours during business hours (for example, daily reports such as behavioral changes or non-injury falls), you may a book same-day or next-day virtual appointment to be seen by one of our float providers. Otherwise, please call our office or send a fax to request a follow up from our urgent care provider.
For all urgent but non-life threatening concerns outside of business hours, call (888) 674 5871 to be connected to the urgent or on call provider.
Please book a virtual appointment or send the concern to Crown Health via call or fax. If the concern needs to be addressed before the next regularly scheduled visit with the primary care provider, an urgent care provider can see the patient virtually same-day or visit within 72 hours. After an initial evaluation, the provider may also recommend transport to an emergency or urgent care clinic.
Patients may be seen for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to hospital follow-ups, initial exams of new patients, cough, fever, pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, anxiety, change of behaviors, urinary symptoms, changes in skin condition, and more.
The patient will be billed through insurance like a normal visit but may incur out of pocket expenses based on their insurance coverage.
6811 S. 204th Street Suite 280
Kent, WA 98032
Toll-free (888) 674-5871
Fax (206) 694-2291